Sinus Pressure and the House Dust Factor

Under the microscope they would appear to be creatures from another planet. To the naked eye they do not exist. But to millions who are very susceptible to their "legacy" they are responsible for a great deal of discomfort or just plain misery: meet the house dust mite.

The mighty mite


The sinus pressure sufferer should know, however, that the mite is not itself the problem, but the legacy--their droppings, also microscopic, to which many of us can be very allergic. They are the root cause of some types of sinus pressure. Dust mites thrive in an environment having these three elements: moisture, warmth and food: tiny dead skin particles shed by humans--as the body rubs against the mattress; or the ones shed while dressing, drying the body with a towel, combing the hair, walking around the house, etc. No wonder the invisible nuisance proliferates in abundance in mattresses and carpets. And what is most fastidious about them is our inability to be able to "teach them a lesson" with regular insecticides. In fact, they cannot be killed by the latter.

House dust and sinus pressue

The major component of house dust is the accumulation of those of dead skin particles just described, which can also contain large amounts of the mites' droppings. The latter are inhaled with the dust causing in some cases serious irritation on the sinus membranes. The mucus produced by the latter to wash off the irritant can be so profuse that the cilia lining the membranes cannot dispose of it fast enough. Or the ostia--the tiny holes at the end of the sinuses to drain them--are blocked by the swollen membranes. Under these conditions the mucus can accumulate and create sinus pressure. If this is not promptly corrected the sinus can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria and a sinus infection can easily follow.

The mite and sinus pressure solution

So, what is the solution? There are several things those afflicted with sinus pressure caused by house dust can do to elude the mighty effect dust mite droppings can have on their sinuses:

  1. Vacuum often to curb their breeding cycle and lift both mites and droppings
  2. Incase your mattress in a heavy plastic mattress bag
  3. Use "one way linen" especially designed to keep dust mites from coming through the linen
  4. Wash linen often
  5. Make the bedroom a dust free zone
  6. Should all of the above fail to control the breeding mites and their effects, then consider desensitizing therapy against their droppings

For sinus pressure caused by the house dust main allergen producer--the dust mite droppings--the best approach can be a combination of some of the above factors, with a lot of common sense to go along with it.

Sinus Pressure and the House Dust Factor

Paul Sanchez teaches and interacts with people on how to care for their sinuses and related issues at: and He had suffered from sinus problems for many years. Experimenting with alternative solutions he found permanent relief through a simple combination of healing techniques, which he now shares at those websites, besides giving assistance, help and support.